French for work

Do you have to speak French in a professional context, or do you want to develop your skills to further your career? Join one of our professional French courses to gain confidence and improve your language skills for work purposes!

These highly interactive group classes, online or in-person, are led by qualified and experienced teachers who will help you express yourself with ease.

Upcoming courses

Français professionnel - vendre ses produits et services

Pour les niveaux B1/B2
Vendredi 08/11 - 15/11 - 22/11 - 29/11 - 06/12 - 13/12 à OBA Oosterdok de 9h à 10h30.

Faites du français un atout pour votre carrière !   Laissez-nous vous aider à vous préparer aux réalités du monde professionnel d'aujourd'hui, en français grâce à ce cours de français professionnel ciblé. Dans ce premier module, vous vous focaliserez sur une compétence clé : vendre ses produits et services. 

Durant 6 leçons, il s’agira de :  

  • Identifier les besoins du client : Accueillir le client et analyser ses besoins, Reformuler les besoins du client. 

  • Proposer un produit/un service : Décrire un produit/un service et promouvoir ses qualités, proposer et conseiller un produit/un service adapté.

Prérequis grammaticaux et lexicaux : 

  • Les questions ouvertes/fermées, la morphologie de l'interrogation 
  • Le subjonctif présent, le conditionnel présent et passé 
  • Les compétences professionnelles 
  • La communication et les réseaux sociaux  
  • Les acteurs, les activités et les valeurs de l'entreprise.

Je m'inscris ! Je m'inscris !

Looking for a course? Have a suggestion? Contact us at:

Check out our general courses offer here

What is your level ? 

Our French classes are aligned with the levels of the CEFR allowing you to acquire a recognised level on an international scale. These levels are divided in sub-levels. You can click on the levels below to learn more about them.
To know your exact level, please come by during our Open Days or take our online placement test. 
Our classes are taught in French, even in the beginners levels. This allows you to feel completely immersed, and helps you to improve quickly!
All of courses are also suitable for non-Dutch speaking people 

Take the test!




Upper Elementary




Upper Intermediate





Previous courses 

Préparer son entretien

Friday, 17/05 - 24/05 - 31/05. 9h - 10h30 à OBA Oosterdok.

Vous recherchez un emploi dans un environnement francophone ?
Vous souhaitez réussir un entretien d’embauche en français ?

Améliorez votre communication verbale en français pour être plus à l’aise face à un recruteur et/ou vos futurs collègues francophones.
Vous vous entrainerez sur les différentes étapes d’entretiens d’embauche grâce à des jeux de rôle et des tâches, en groupes et individuellement.

J'améliore mon oral -Business French

Thursday, from 6:30 to 8PM. From April 20 to July 13.

Do you have to speak French in a professional context, or do you want to develop your skills to further your career? Join this professional French course!

In this workshop, you will improve your verbal communication in French, thanks to discussions on the week's business news. Additionally, you will practise through role plays and tasks based on authentic documents used by companies. You will also have the opportunity to make a presentation in French.

cours de francais le francais familier

Améliorer ses compétences écrites

Friday, from 8:30 to 10AM.
From February 3rd to March 31st

In this workshop, you will learn useful formulas for written communication in French, in email exchanges for example. You will choose the tone, register and vocabulary adapted to your interlocutor. Improve your grammar to produce clear, effective and professional sentences! You will also learn how to format a CV and cover letter according to French standards.

Français professionnel en contexte : Objectif B2

Friday, from 8:30AM to 10AM.
28 October - 16 December - Online

Based on professional situations, this class will give you the confidence and strength to take on your new career challenge. You will learn about the French work-culture and enhance both your written and oral skills.

Business French

Friday, from 8:30AM to 10AM.
06 May - 01 July

Based on professional situations, this class will give you the confidence and strength to take on your new career challenge. You will learn about the French work-culture and enhance both your written and oral skills.

Business French

Friday, from 8:30AM to 10AM.
11 February - 22 April 

Based on professional situations, this class will give you the confidence and strength to take on your new career challenge. You will learn about the French work-culture and enhance both your written and oral skills.

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